I Hate Being A Slob

I am neat. Why? Because I hate being a slob.

That’s yet another childhood story. I don’t have the inclination to get into that one.

Always the same theme. But in this case, it was true. My binder was always exploding. My school bag full of papers squashed by my binder. I was a wreck. A teacher one day told me about how she used to be messy.

I couldn’t believe it.

I was too naive to think she was lying to motivate me. But, either way, it worked. She told me I could do more in less time if I get organized. That was too good a possibility to resist.

It’s like an obsession. My cousin is staying with me for a few months. She is a messy gal. Somehow her mess is just spreading from her bedroom to the rest of the house.

I want to fight it, but looking at it all makes me so tired.

Chair Massage in NJ

I attended a Real Estate event in Central New Jersey last month and had a very cool experience. Let me explain.

There were Massage Therapists there providing service to those attending the event. They brought these funky chairs that I know I’ve seen in some mall or another, somewhere in my travels. But I never went for Chair Massage. It seemed too uncomfortable.

Let me tell you, they are actually anything but! The way the massage chair slants forward, your weight kind of keeps you in place. And, I have enough weight to do the job and then some. I felt like I was floating.

Just sitting in that position was itself relaxing. Chair Massage isn’t exactly like massage on a portable table. For one thing, you’re fully clothed with Chair Massage, while a table massage is done unclothed with a sheet over you.

Significantly, there’s no oil. That would ruin your clothes.

The therapist was helpful and had me dozing into bliss. It was for fifteen minutes, but the event didn’t really attract as many potential buyers as we had planned, so we had four therapists for four hours each.

Since the one guy and three gals were just standing there, I decided to make sure that our group got its money’s worth. I went a total of four times! HA

Why not?

I mean, they were being paid to stand there. And the guy told me that he gets bored and he really appreciated that I gave him the chance to work. One of the ladies said that her hips were hurting from just standing there and it was great to have the opportunity to move around.

If I got some scowls and tsk-tsk-tsk head shakes thrown my way, I really don’t care at all. I needed a massage. There was just nothing else I could have reasonably done. In any case, I gave each of them a fifty dollar tip. So my naysayers are just sad Sallies.

I don’t think I would choose chair massage over table massage for my in-home service of choice. But it is a good addition to a party or gathering. Is it like a full body massage? Not exactly. But I was feeling really good afterwards, and that’s all I was looking for. I miss the feeling of the oil on my skin.

I hoped to feel some of the lower back pain relieved and a lot of relaxation. I got both. So, no complaints here. I don’t know if it was Swedish or some other massage modality. I didn’t ask any of them. I should have. Each of their massage styles differed a lot from one another. The guy, surprisingly, wasn’t the strongest. Or, he just didn’t put in the elbow grease.

I’m a bigger lady. In my last blog i think I may have led the reader to believe those are my height and weight numbers. HA Not exactly…but I will say that I fit on the Massage Chair just fine, and I am not that far from 250. But I am taller than that. It was just an example.


If you thought this was going to be a blog entry about making lemonade when life gives you lemons, you were right! It is! How clever you are!

OK; it’s not really. But I felt like pulling that prank, reader. I hope you laughed with me.

The truth is, I’m just writing about lemonade. Thirst quenching, sweet-n-sour lemonade.

One of the simplest pleasures in life, and one of the healthiest.

If you’re sugar-restricted, use Stevia or fructose.

I had a game as a kid. It was called Lemonade. Guess what the point of the game was?

Run a lemonade stand. Profit. It was before graphics, just a text game. On my old computer when I was a kid.

I tried running a lemonade stand with my half-sister. We lasted two hours.

We drank all the lemonade.

What do you expect? It was 102 degrees out! We were in 4th grade! We then went in the pool. When my Mom came out, she couldn’t figure out what had happened.

We explained that we were hot, and the lemonade was so good, that we drank the entire pitcher between us.

Fat Is Fine! (Someone Had to Say It, Already!)

I am so sick of hearing people debating over women’s sizes. I know this is a weird segue back into my blog after so long an absence, but hey, this is me, the lady who identifies as a frikkin’ whale without shame!

Actually, I love whales and dolphins and always have. I haven’t re-read this blog recently, so I don’t know if I ever really got into that. I’ve been called a whale my entire life. At around eleven, I owned it. I did a book report on whales, and some kids teased while I stood in front of the class.

Instead of crying or walking away with my head hanging, like so many time before, I started to smile. It wasn’t out of a sense of moral superiority or anything like that. It was that I was reading about my favorite animals, whales, while this happened. I secretly always wished I could have whale friends, as silly as that sounds to a grown woman.

I even concluded the book report with my best rendition of a whale making its signature sound, a low-pitched moan. Not only did I get an A, but the girls respected me more, and not just the heavy ones.

The point is, I was always big-boned. My Mom was big boned. Many women in my family. Did you ever see kids? They’re all different colors, shapes, and sizes. If anything, I’d be more concerned about the skinny-as-a-rail children I see at the beach or the mall, with legs and arms that would look more appropriate on a stick figure. That worries me.

The science just isn’t there to back the misogynistic view that women need to be thin. They always talk about people who are grossly overweight, like 550 pounds. What about a woman who is 5’4″ and 250? Is that so bad? What if she does yoga every day, hikes 5 days a week for two hours each time? Plays softball?

Girls, don’t be discouraged. You can’t be everything, but at least you can rock what you are!

🍏 🍎 🍐 🍊 🍋 🍌 🍉 🍇 🍓 🫐 🍈 🍒 🍑 🥭 🍍 🥥 🥝 🍅 🍆 🥑 🥦 🫛 🥬 🥒 🌶 🫑 🌽 🥕 🫒 🧄 🧅 🫚 🥔 🍠 🫘 🥐 🥯 🍞 🥖 🥨 🧀 🥚 🍳 🧈 🥞 🧇 🥓 🥩 🍗 🍖 🦴 🌭 🍔 🍟 🍕 🫓 🥪 🥙 🧆 🌮 🌯 🫔 🥗 🥘 🫕 🥫 🍝 🍜 🍲 🍛 🍣 🍱 🥟 🦪 🍤 🍙 🍚 🍘 🍥 🥠 🥮 🍢 🍡 🍧 🍨 🍦 🥧 🧁 🍰 🎂 🍮 🍭 🍬 🍫 🍿 🍩 🍪 🌰 🥜 🍯 🥛 🍼 🫖 ☕️ 🍵 🧃 🥤 🧋 🫙 🍶 🍺 🍻 🥂 🍷 🫗 🥃 🍸 🍹 🧉 🍾 🧊 🥄 🍴 🍽 🥣 🥡 🥢 🧂

And, yes, food is good! Just remember to eat for hunger and joy of eating and not sadness and the attempt to fill a hole of empty loneliness. (I’ve been there!)

Is It Too Late? Did I miss the boat?!

Are you feeling like this about anything lately?

I am. I think timing in life is key. As a real estate agent, I know the old saying, “strike while the iron is hot” is too true.

But there’s also the randomness of time. Like, if I left a minute later, I’d have missed the sale.

It’s more than about work. I don’t want to delay the things in my life that have been put on hold for one reason or another.

This includes love, romance, friendship, but also my creative pursuits.

I want to get past all my blocks and have my life up-to-date. If possible.

The Crypto Whale

I found it funny how the term “whale” started being used on the news, in reference to “crytpo whales,” or individuals holding mucho mega Bitcoin and the like.

Of course, being in real estate for so long, I have some coins to spare. And, because Atlantic City was literally closed, I’ve been dabbling in cryptocurrencies.

I made some winning trades, and let’s just say I’m now ready to retire. I was bored one day during the pandemic and I created an account and started trading. I had some losses, but overall, my net increase is 5000%. That’s like hitting a jackpot.

I have no crypto advice, for those seeking such. I can only say, it’s a volatile market, and don’t play with money you can’t afford to totally lose. That’s always my winning strategy.

If I hit AC with two thousand dollars, I’m not going a penny over my limit. If I have to fast the next morning, so be it. I am disciplined.

Same goes for crypto. Ladies, if you dabble, trade your plan. Get out when you planned to. Always.

Life After COVID

OK, friends. It’s surely been a while. I’ve been doing (mostly) well. I guess if I’m still here, I’m in good shape, as so many people lost their lives to the Coronavirus.

To all of you who lost loved ones, I feel for you. I know this has been a crazy time.

Now that it’s Autumn of 2021, of course it’s my hope we’re turning a new leaf on all this. Variants keep popping up, so who knows.

Stay safe, friends, and keep blogging. Do a better job of keeping up with it than I did! I mean, seriously, this is a good example of noble intentions not being enough. You need to do the work and put in the time.

(as if I’d know!)

How I Became A Slot Queen

The holidays are upon us once again. I spent my Christmas with my cousins in Short Hills, at their luxurious home. My cousin is an attorney. Her husband sells Italian sports cars to Arabian clients. Between the both of them, they have boatloads of cash, and spend it lavishly on their two little girls. Each does not know want, and gets everything they want in the world.

While we were eating our Christmas feast, someone asked about a photo on their dining room wall. It was of myself and my cousin down in Atlantic City. We’re standing there, outside the casino, dumbfounded by the lights and sights of the strip.

That was our first trip to AC, back in March of 1996. We went to see The Moody Blues at the Circus Maximus Theatre at the Ceasars Hotel and Casino. Both of us were huge Moody Blues fans and were psyched to see them live for the first time. Neither of us had ever been to AC, as our families were strictly against gambling. It’s true that we come from religious Protestants, but our family was judgmental Protestant, nevertheless.

Gambling was for degenerates. Atlantic City was for losers. But here we were, young and wild, out for the weekend in AC, with no supervision. We arrived early. We ate dinner, but I can’t remember where. The show was amazing. Afterwards, we decided that it couldn’t hurt to enter a casino and just go for a short walk. We ended up at Trump Plaza after walking up and down the boardwalk a few times.

Neither of us knew the first thing about gambling. We were awed by the lights and sounds, overwhelmed, really. The people seemed old, seedy, and well outside of our usual social circles. Just as we were about to end our five minute tour of the place, a greasy-haired man of about fifty, with tinted glasses five sizes too big, walked up to us. He commented on my cousin’s eyes, and then proceeded to compliment me on my own. He guessed we were sisters. We laughed and explained we were cousins.

Neither of us were really very interested in carrying on this conversation. But the short, balding man continued. He explained that he was a widower, and he came to AC every month, and has been doing so for the last twenty years. He was clearly trying to be friendly, but my cousin and I were nonplussed. He asked which games we enjoyed. My cousin quickly responded that we were in AC for the Moody Blues show.

He couldn’t believe it was out first time there. He correctly guessed our ages within two years, and managed to get it right that my cousin was a law student, and I was pursuing nursing. I began to get freaked out, thinking he was some kind of psychic stalker. But then something weird happened. I’ll remember it to this day. He said to me, looking right through me, “You are a gem. You’re probably going to make a million dollars, easy. If nursing doesn’t work out for you, don’t sweat it, kid.”

I was flabbergasted. I had been thinking in the weeks prior that nursing might not be my thing. I had recently started working as a real estate agent, and was in the midst of a post-breakup crisis. I did not know what to say. He continued, “So here’s my wisdom, earned over sixty seven years of life in New Jersey: Follow what makes you happy. That’s it.” My cousin balked. “67?!” she exclaimed. “You look really good for someone that age.” He didn’t flinch. Instead, he silently reached into his sports jacket pocket and pulled out a handful of chips.

“Here’s a few chips to get you girls started. Gambling is a waste of time, but since you’re here, why not waste some time?” He smiled, and this time he reminded me not of a sleazy gambler, but of my now-deceased grandfather. We were shocked. I had never experienced a stranger exhibit so much generosity, and my upbringing, while religious, made me slightly suspicious of anyone with their hand out. Now here we were and some random old man was gifting us with what looked like about a thousand dollars in chips.

He smiled, winked, and walked into the crowd, the din so loud that my mind was reeling. My cousin and I just looked at each other. OK; it wasn’t quite a thousand dollars, but each of us had been gifted with $350 in chips. How very strange. For some reason, I had tears in my eyes. My cousin was the first to speak, “What in the world was that all about?” I shrugged my shoulders. I just didn’t know what to say. I was still thinking about what he had said about my future, trying to process it all.

Neither of us spoke again, and we walked together through the casino, armed with enough chips to try a bit of everything. Blackjack was fun. But we lost. Poker was confusing. We lost again. Roulette was cool, but we lost yet again. Then we got to the slot machines. I was down to my last fifty dollars, and I settled in next to a gaudy machine that kept flashing red and blue lights, like a police car. An elderly lady had just left, cursing the casino, and the machine was open.

My cousin had already exhauster her funds. “This is why we were taught never to gamble. What a waste!” she lamented. But then something odd happened. I won. And not just a little bit. The chips kept coming out. In all, I won $4000 dollars. I was speechless. I had overdrawn my credit card the month before, and was $3000 over-limit. I needed that money, because having to ask my parents to pay would be humiliating, because they wouldn’t respect me for mismanaging my funds.

We left the casino after that. Walking back to our hotel, neither of us spoke. I was too stunned for speech. I had redeemed my chips and had a neat stack of fresh hundreds in my purse. My mind was blown. Right then and there, I decided that nursing wasn’t my thing, and that real estate was more what I considered a worthy way to spend my time. I knew my parents would balk at wasting their money on a good education, but I had decided.

I didn’t return to AC again for another three years. But since that time, I’ve gone more times than I could count. I even rented a limo to drive me down a few times. One time I opted for a vintage Bentley. Life is strange. We are directionless; I could not have predicted the events unfolding as they did, but apparently some random old man could. Maybe it was not so random after all.

How I started in real estate. Mostly by accident.

It was now twenty years ago. Actually, nineteen if you’re going to be exact. I had just finished my four year degree in nursing, of all things. (I know..it’s strange to think I could have been pulling bedpans and crying about overtime all these years!) I didn’t really know what to do with myself after high school. But in my family, college was a must. And, my parents were paying my tuition. And so, I embarked on my academic journey at Rutgers, not really a super-expensive school, but pretty reputable, nevertheless.

The four years flew by. During that time, I dated quite a bit. While a larger woman, more than a few men have commented on my beautiful baby blue eyes. And I must say, though larger, I do have quite a feminine figure. I was quick with a comeback, and between my sass and wit, and my mammary assets, I was approached quite a bit by the guys on campus. So much so that I was the one doing the choosing, which wasn’t half bad.

Cheesy Real Estate Signs by Andrew Wiseman by CC

In all that time, I had two serious relationships. The first was Jerry. He was a year younger, and a few inches shorter. What he lacked in height he made up for with his infectious sense of humor. Thankfully,that’s all he had that was infectious, because we were alone all the time with no supervision, and at nineteen, there aren’t that many options of what to do or where to go for entertainment. The relationship ended when I met Harvey. Harvey was in graduate school at Rutgers studying engineering, and he came from a family with money. Plus, being older, our entertainment options included more than just hanging out in the back seat of a fifteen year old car.

The breakup with Jerry wasn’t anything to speak of. He started an intensive program in teaching which included working as a student teacher, and he had no time, between lesson plans and classes. Soon, the days we spent apart went from one, to two, to eventually a whole week. The same happened with talking on the phone. This was before the days of texting, so we would leave each other messages on our answering machines. But eventually that stopped. So, the relationship died a natural death. Then came along Harvey, very tall, very rich, and very much into the nightlife.

While studying engineering, Harvey worked as a real estate agent. I know it sounds like a lot, but even with that full plate, we were together six nights out of the week. So, it was an easy choice to move on after Jerry. After all, which takes more time, studying to be an engineer or a high school history teacher? Plus, I couldn’t imagine myself wed to a teacher. But an engineer, that was far more prestigious. Harvey brought me down to his real estate office a few times. The owner, a bald older Italian guy with round gold-rimmed glasses, kept telling me that I should come work for him.

Each time I would politely decline, but after my four years were over, still not quite enthused to seek work in a hospital, I finally said yes that summer. During my month of training, Harvey quit. He had been accepted to a program at CalTech, and he was moving in two weeks. He didn’t say much. He didn’t offer to bring me along. I felt like he knew that I would say no anyway, as I was sort of close with my family and had many girlfriends (in the 1990s platonic sense). And so, on the day my training finished, I celebrated by myself. Harvey had already been gone over a month, and I didn’t feel like dating.

Looking back, I realize I was in love. I also realize he probably didn’t feel the same way. As they say, one door opens as another closes. And, that’s precisely what happened. My scholastic career was done; I had zero intention of going to graduate school. But my real estate career started booming, right from my first week out on my own. I was given some horrible properties to move, and somehow, each was being sold in record time. Even a warehouse in Linden that had been on the market for five years. It only took me three buyers and a few steak dinners to get it sold.

And so that’s how my real estate career began. Totally by accident. It’s also how my full-figure which many men had called voluptuous, started growing to the point where no man would say anything to me about my shape. If they had, and they were honest, they’d have had to tell me I was shapeless. I began drinking to cope with the loneliness. All the while, I sold more and more, bought my first small home in Nutley, and was on my way to becoming the top seller in my office, then my state, then among the best in the region.

All the while, there was an emptiness inside that money and success could not fill. Neither could pies and cakes, cookies and confectioneries, all of which I enjoyed like there was no tomorrow. I was depressed, but I did not know it. And, my recent success began isolating me from my friends and family, all of whom were of relatively modest means. That’s when I began going to AC. Like most everything in my life, the way I became a slot queen was mostly by accident. I’ll explain that in another blog.

Massage And the Larger Woman

I am large. Not like so big that I need specially designed doorways and a car where the backseat is where I sit to drive. No; I’m not that big. And, I’m not making fun of girls who are. Back before I accepted myself as I am, I tried everything to lose weight. I went to Weight Watchers, 12 Step programs, group hypnosis back in the 90s. And let me tell you, that’s where I learned that I am not as big as I thought. There actually were women there who couldn’t get out of bed without a hand. That both made me feel a little better about myself, though in doing so I felt guilty I must admit because I also felt sorry for those very large women. But I also realized that guilt about weight doesn’t work, because if there was a guilt meter in that room, it would have exploded.

Whales by Isaac Kohane by CC

I was lucky enough to make friends with a real estate salesperson who was into yoga. She loaned me a book called Richard Hittleman’s Introduction to Yoga. From there, I explored on my own. Now, I don’t want you to think I am Hindu now; I was raised Presbyterian, and I’m 100% European, German, Irish, and English. But I did soak up the knowledge, and the understanding that our bodies, our minds, and our emotions are what we make of them. And, most importantly, I began practicing yoga daily. This worked. I lost 120 pounds over the course of three years. And, I’ve kept the weight off for twelve years and in the process I’ve gotten to know myself a lot better.

My friend also introduced me to massage. Honestly, I had never had a session of massage before. I felt too ashamed of my shape and my size, and how my body looked with no clothes on. I would have been mortified for any woman or man to see me with nothing on but a sheet. After going to yoga classes and seeing many large women rocking their voluptuous figures, I started to feel differently. And then my friend told me about how massage worked as a great complement to the yoga she had also introduced me to. Now, she is not a big women, not even average. But she had been abused and had to learn to have confidence.

I asked her how she was able to get undressed in front of a massage therapist. She patiently explained that that’s not how it works, and that the masseuse leaves the room while you disrobe and get under the sheets. I did not know this. As a real estate agent, I sometimes experienced massive amounts of stress. I had to walk around in high heels to show homes, drive miles and miles around New Jersey, and my shoulders were always tight because selling can get stressful. It’s out of your control. Yoga helped me to let go and stop worrying. But the stress in my body remained.

One day my friend gave me an envelope. She told me it was a gift for being such a good friend to her, such a good listener. I didn’t even know I had been. I was just being myself. Inside, I found a thoughtful card with a smaller card from a massage company inside. It was for a one hour session of in-home massage. I felt both elated and exited, while at the same time scared and nervous. She explained that she had been using that company for years, and the therapists provided amazing massage for women. Best of all, she further explained, it was a mobile service, and I didn’t have to go to the spa.

A week late, I had booked. It was a Friday night, and I remember it was flurrying outside. I made the appointment for nine PM. As 8:30 rolled around, I was about to cancel. I picked up the phone. Put it down. Picked it up again. Put it down again. Picked it up and called. I explained that I didn’t think I could make it. The girl at the other end of the line sounded sad, she explained that Karen had come out in the snow just for me! She said Karen was on her way, but if I wanted to cancel, that would be fine. I changed my mind, and decided to go through with it.

Whale by Sarah Fallah by CC

Needless to say, after one session,I was hooked. Since that time, I’ve had a massage every week, or sometimes every two weeks. But never longer between massages than that. I find that there’s nothing quite like it, and I feel like a new woman after the session. And, I’ve had about fourteen different therapists. A little less than half have been men. I was really wary of this at first, but no female therapists were available, and so I decided to give it a try. I found that it doesn’t matter. Once I;m on the table and the massage begins, it really isn’t an issue. Some of the guys have been hot, I must admit. Others were not. One was old enough to be my father. But that didn’t matter at all. What mattered was how well they performed the massage.

Now, six years later, I don’t care at all who massages me. It could be a man or a woman. I still have not set foot in a day spa, and I never intend to. It’s just not my scene. While I am more confident, I do realize that because I am larger, some people stare. And so, I just don’t see a reason for subjecting myself to that. Not today. Not any day. And plus, I like my apartment. And my house. I could never feel as comfortable at a spa. And, I like the company I use. I know there are newer and bigger companies out there now, as in-home massage on demand has really taken off. But I’m not about to switch.

I’ve had great results, and each and every therapist has been caring, skilled, and on-time. Well,except for one girl, who was always late. She was also among the best therapists. An absentminded young blonde woman who was working her way through nursing school, she delivered the best deep tissue massages I’ve had. So, I overlooked the fact that she was never less than a half hour late, simply because she was so good at what she did. And, she was a sweet woman who always tried her best to make me feel comfortable. I’m so happy my friend decided to get me a massage session as a gift. If she hadn’t, I am sure I’d have never gotten a single massage.

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